Options & Upgrades

Fanuc Control
GE Fanuc controls have also been the gold standard since 1972 — the name literally means Fuji Automatic Numerical Control. Uptime, reliability, residual value – none better. Like your home computer, components in PCbased controls are prone to obsolescence and failure after only a few years.
Fanuc controls on 30 year-old Accu-Routers are still going strong. Why use anything else? There’s a pattern forming — to save up-front cost.
Nesting / CAM Software
Nesting is an industry term defined as using geometry and common lines to get the most possible parts on a sheet, maximizing material yield with minimal scrap.
Many believe the human eye is still the best nester — with low enough production volume, that’s often correct. But our customers report the only constant anymore is change. With mass customization and “just in time” strategies, your production schedule may vary widely day to day, and sometimes within the
same day.
Auxiliary Flotation Tables
Don’t be too quick to discount our most popular and cost-effective workflow solution.
Also designed and fabricated by Accu-Router, these heavy-duty steel tables surround the main machine table at the same height, and are tied into your compressed air. In between part programs, flotation balls are pressurized for the operator to quickly and effortlessly unload spoilboard #1 (with cut parts and scrap).
Accu-Setter Touch Block
Accu-Router is pleased to announce another productivity enhancement for Accu-Router CNC routers: introducing the Accu-Setter automatic tool setter. This rugged, highly accurate and repeatable device assists the operator in setting the critical tool depth-of-cut.
Tooling depth is an often incorrectly set parameter in the control, resulting in broken tooling, premature spoil board and tool wear, incorrect parts, or worse, spindle crashes.
Even the most advanced CNC routers have spoil boards or carrier panels that accumulate dust during machining. Cleaning those panels slows down production and occupies the operator with important housekeeping duties.
Enter the ACCU-SWEEPER, an integrated air purge and baffled hood system that interfaces to your dust collector, ideally straddling our custom-fabricated flotation workflow tables (sold separately).